What Are The Individual Marketing Styles

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

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Each one of you has your own individual marketing style. What do I mean by marketing style? I mean the way that you naturally feel comfortable communicating to your clients and your target audience.

In this article, I’m going to teach you why identifying your unique style of marketing is important, as well as what the three main types are. Learning these things will go a long way to helping you achieve marketing success and meet your business goals.

Why Is Finding Your Marketing Style Important?

It’s critical for you to identify your style of marketing for a couple of reasons.

First, it will heavily influence your content strategy. For example, if you prefer communicating via video, you’re going to want to prioritize filming and posting videos on social media platforms. If writing is more your speed, then articles and blog posts, both short form and long form, may feel better. 

Second, it helps you appear more articulate and authoritative. If you’re trying to communicate to your clients via a medium that doesn’t come natural to you, you’re going to flub your way through it. The content you create will be full of errors, and it will be evident to anyone who views it or reads it that you don’t know what you’re doing. 

This flies in the face of what you’re trying to accomplish through publishing original content, which is to establish yourself as a credible, genuine voice of authority in your niche. If you stumble over your words in a video or drop commas all over the place in an article, you’re not instilling your audience with confidence in your expertise. Instead, you’re painting yourself as a rank amateur. That’s definitely not the vibe I want you to go for. 

The good news is that if one form of communication, like talking, doesn’t work that well for you, there are other options open to you. It doesn’t mean you can’t reach your business goals; it just means you have to find a different way to get there.

Third, finding your marketing style will help you diversify your marketing channels. For example, if you’re more inclined toward making video content (like me), then you know that YouTube and TikTok are great places to be. If you’re more of a writer, then may want to publish a lot of articles and improve your search engine optimization (SEO) to generate more traffic for your website. 

Rather than locking yourself into the platforms you’ve been told by coaches or experts that you need to be on, knowing your marketing style gives you the freedom to diversify your list of platforms where you market yourself. You can pick the ones that work best for you and that you don’t mind working on.

Finally, knowing your preferred form of communication in marketing will help you stay consistent. Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to content strategy. This is mainly due to the algorithmic nature of social media platforms, as well as marketing in general. When you maintain your brand’s presence online, whether it’s on TikTok or YouTube or some other website, your content is more likely to show up on your target audience’s timeline and in search engines. This is how you keep your sales flowing in. 

The 3 Styles Of Marketing

Now that you know why finding your marketing style it’s important, let’s get into the three different styles. 

Style 1: Writing

I know I emphasize getting into video marketing, and I still think that’s a smart move for any marketer or business owner. But I also want to stress that there are other alternatives. That’s why I decided to talk about writing as a marketing style first.

You will know if your communication style is writing if you’re better at writing emails, blog posts, brochures, ad copy, and other things like that, than you are at shooting videos or recording podcasts. 

Writing is a perfectly viable way to market yourself. It opens you up to a lot of opportunities for lead generation and making passive income. For example, you can write an e-book – or even a series of e-books – and sell it on Amazon for a couple of dollars. If the information you wrote about is valuable enough, that’s a perfectly justifiable purchase for your clients (and even strangers who’ve never seen or heard of your brand before), and you’ll stand to make a decent profit from it.


In addition to those strategies, I recommend shifting your focus to marketing channels like Twitter and LinkedIn, which rely more on text than images or videos. This way, you can still develop a social media following, but you’re staying within your marketing style. 

Style 2: Visual

The second style of marketing I want to talk about is called visual. This is for those of you who enjoy making graphics and taking and editing photos. You may not be great at writing or filming videos or talking, but you know how to make an image pop.

There are lots of marketing channels where you can find success in as a visual marketer. Pinterest is one such option, as it is entirely visual-based. Instagram is prioritizing video content these days, but there’s still a place for visual content on the app. Even Twitter is a good platform to post graphics and photos. 

The great thing about graphics and photos is that you can use them to direct your audience to your website, your main content channel, or wherever else you want them to go. Just make sure your visual content is high quality and displays your brand. That way, those images will always be associated with you and your business. 

Style 3: Video/Audio

Premium business model

The last marketing style I want to discuss is video/audio. Here, you have a few options for the type of content you want to create. You can film long-form and short-form videos, record podcasts, and even livestream. 

There are plenty of platforms out there that are focused on video/audio content. Some of them may even surprise you. For example, did you know that Twitter now has a feature called Twitter Spaces? It allows you to start a live audio conversation that up to 13 people can speak on and an unlimited number of listeners can hear. YouTube has a podcast option now, too, as does Spotify and Anchor FM. 

When it comes to video content, your options for marketing are nearly endless. YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and even Twitter – all these platforms allow you to post both long and short-form video content. I don’t recommend focusing on Facebook or Twitter for videos, however. The other four platforms are much better suited for those. 

What If I Have More Than One Style Of Marketing? 

If multiple marketing styles speak to you, all the better! The more styles you’re comfortable with, the more options you have for diversifying your marketing channels. 

That’s the main thing I want you to take away from this article: you have alternatives to video marketing or whatever it is that experts are telling you to prioritize. There is no one size fits all solution to lead generation. Whichever style of marketing works best for you, take advantage of it.

Learn About Harnessing Your Marketing Style And More In My Lead Overflow Workshop

There’s much more to learn about marketing styles, and I teach you all about it (as well as other marketing strategies) in my free 3-day workshop, Lead Overflow. The workshop is on-demand so dive in after you register!

And be sure to check out the Revolutionary Society membership for even more marketing strategies, resources, advice, and coaching.