5 Easy Ways To Repurpose High-Value Content For Lead Generation

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

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I recently asked the people who were attending my free three-day workshop, Lead Overflow, “What is your biggest obstacle or struggle when it comes to marketing your high-ticket services and programs?” Several of the respondents answered with the same issue: not knowing how to repurpose their content to generate more leads and to be consistent. 

Survey Responses

As I see it, there are two main reasons why you would want to repurpose your marketing content. 

The first one is that some of your new content isn’t reaching as much of your target audience as you would like, so you feel like you’re wasting time and energy creating and posting it. 

The second reason is you don’t have a lot of time to create a bunch of new content. Instead, it makes more sense to reuse the old content that was successful and got a lot of engagement.

The question is, how do you do that in a creative, non-repetitive way that your target audience will respond well to? And how do you take content from one platform and transfer it to another to generate even more leads?

Don’t worry, I’ve got all the answers in this article. 

Before we get to the 5 ways you can repurpose your high-value content, though, I need to explain the different types of content you’re going to have to learn how to create. Knowing how one works vs the other will help you develop a successful marketing strategy when it comes to repurposing them.

Long Form Content Vs Short Form Content

There are two types of content you should be creating: long form and short form

Long-form content can come in any format. These can be hours-long videos, podcasts, and live streams. They can be articles that are three or four thousand words (or more) in length, e-books, or online courses. 

The reason for the length of the latter is they contain high-value content. High-value content communicates a lot of unique, valuable information – i.e., industry insights, statistics, facts, life lessons, and tutorials – in one place, and as such, they tend to get a lot of engagement.

Short-form content is where you will share nuggets of wisdom (what I like to call “Aha!” moments) from your pieces of long form content. These nuggets should be shared in formats that are quick and easy to digest, like Reels on Instagram, 30 or 60-second-long TikTok videos, or graphics on Pinterest. You can even break some of the information down from your high-value content into visual graphs that are easily shareable on Twitter or Facebook. 

One or two long form works serve as your repurposing gold mine. So, instead of producing a brand new idea for every piece of short form media you create, you can simply refer back to the longer work and use it as your springboard. You can lift direct quotes, sound bites, or clips from it, or distill a large segment into a smaller one by only hitting the high points from it in the form of a new, much shorter video, article, or social media post. 

To sum it up, you can easily, quickly, and creatively repurpose your long form content into short form content. This marketing strategy will allow you to keep updating your social media accounts, website, YouTube channel, and other platforms where you have a presence without spending most of your time creating brand new content.

Why Repurpose Old Content At All? 

At this point, you may be wondering: why repurpose content at all? Isn’t creating fresh, new content simply the better option, and more likely to generate leads and increase engagement? 

Not necessarily, and there are 3 reasons this is the case.


1. You Don’t Have Enough Time For Content Creation

Here’s the cold, hard truth: most of us are trying to start businesses in the middle of struggling with life. Many of us have kids (I have one child, but I know a lot of entrepreneurs with a lot more) or other family members to care for, full time jobs so we can keep paying the bills and invest in our business, and healthcare to pay for. Not to mention all the unexpected things that life throws at us, like coming down with an illness, the car breaking down, or the economy shutting down as a result of a global pandemic. 

What I’m trying to say is that sometimes, life is not conducive to allowing you to create new content every single day. Even if you’re living in a great situation currently, and you love filming or writing and have plenty of time for both, I still recommend having some long form content on the backburner that you can repurpose into short form content. You’ll thank yourself later when life throws you a curveball. 

Trust me, it will.

2. You Want To Generate Leads On Other Platforms

When it comes to lead generation, repurposing your content that you posted to your primary social media platform is a smart, effective way to get people on other platforms interested in your brand. 

For example, if you take a 30 or 60-second clip from a long YouTube video you posted and publish it on TikTok, with a link at the end that says, “Click here for the full video,” you’ll not only garner a following on TikTok. But you’ll also entice your new followers to view the longer video, thus increasing your views and boosting your YouTube revenue.

3. You Want To Make The Most ROI Out Of Your Existing Content

Whichever format you made your long form content in – video, podcast, article, etc. – you surely spent a lot of time on it. As such, you’d be cheating yourself if you didn’t try to get the most return on investment (ROI) from the time and energy you just spent. Repurposing your existing, long form content into shorter clips, blogs, and social media posts will help you get that ROI in the weeks and months to come.

5 Ways To Repurpose High Value Long Form Content

Now that you know why I recommend repurposing your high value, long form content into digestible, shareable short form content, it’s time for me to teach you 5 different ways you can do just that. Try the ones that seem best to you, or try them all, and see how they help you to ramp up your lead generation game.

1. Make Clips Of Your Long YouTube Video Or Podcast And Share Them On Other Platforms

Do you like to record and post long videos or podcast episodes? If so, you’re sitting on a golden goose, because you can make lots of clips of that content and share them on other platforms. Once they’ve been published on those other platforms, you can start generating new followers – and new sales leads.

Here’s how to leverage this repurposing strategy. 

First, choose moments in your long video or podcast in which you (or your co-host or your guest, if you have either one) say something profound, interesting, or informative. Cut those moments into separate sound bites or short videos. Then publish them to platforms like Instagram and TikTok, since those are platforms that prioritize that type of content.

I use Airtable to document all the aha moments (quotes) from each episode like this ⤵️

Podcast Airtable Resource

At the end of the video, include a link back to the original video or podcast, so that if the person watching it wants to hear more, all they have to do is click on the link. And voila! You’ve just created a new funnel of potential followers/customers.

2. Turn Direct Quotes Into Shareable Social Media Posts

Take a look (or a listen) to your long form content. Are there any quotes in which you expressed a fact or an opinion that you think other people would find valuable? If so, you can quickly and easily turn them into shareable social media posts.

To get started, make sure the quote(s) you choose are short enough to not exceed the character limit that your social media platforms have set up for your posts. For example, if you’re going to post the quote to Twitter, that platform has a limit of 280 characters per tweet. 

You can get around any character limits by creating an image file and placing the text on a pretty but non-distracting background. Make sure you get the size of the image right. If you’re posting it to Pinterest, 1000 x 1500 pixels is optimal, whereas for Instagram, the ideal width for each photo is 1080 pixels.

Quotes by themselves can garner lots of shares but putting them on an attractive and eye-catching background is an even better marketing strategy. Pop them onto your accounts often, like candy, and be sure to include a link to the long form content where you got them from.

3. Transform Facts Or Statistics Into Fun Visual Graphics

When you tell your customers and/or followers about facts or statistics, often you may not generate a lot of buzz or discussion. That’s because these things are often hard to visualize simply by describing them with words. Instagram post with a diagram

To make it easier for your listeners, watchers, and readers to see the facts and statistics you’re talking about, transform them into fun visual graphics. You can do this yourself using programs like Canva, or you can commission someone to do it for you. Then, you’ll have engaging, shareable, buzzworthy short form content to share across all your social media accounts and your blog.

4. Spin Off Important Points From Your Long Form Content Into Short Blog Posts


Do you have several lengthy, high-value blog articles? If so, chances are you wrote a lot of important points that you can easily spin off into shorter blog posts. These will be quick for you to write and even quicker for your customers to read and digest. Be sure to include links to your longer content within the article to invite more clicks and increase your website traffic.

5. Download Your Instagram Reels And TikToks And Publish Them On YouTube Shorts

This technique is for repurposing your short-form video content, as well as linking back to your long-form videos. I’ve found that what works for me when I want to spread my short form video content around is to download my Instagram Reels and TikToks and repost them to YouTube Shorts. 

Here’s how I do it. First, I download the video from Instagram or TikTok, wherever I’ve posted it. TikTok is easier because it lets you download the sound, and from there it’s just a matter of publishing it as a YouTube Short. But Instagram doesn’t let you keep the sound.

Fortunately, there’s a way around that. It’s a bit tricky and will require you to get a bit techy, but it’s worth it to be able to repurpose all those Reels you’ve created. 

🎥Watch this Youtube video where I walk you through the entire process of taking the sound from a TikTok and using InShot to extract it. 

After you download your Instagram Reel, open the TikTok app and search for the sound you used on your Reel (Instagram and TikTok usually have the same sounds in their libraries). Find a TikTok with the sound in it, download it, and then open a free program called InShot. Using this program, you can extract the audio from it and then put it over your Reel. Now, you can upload the Reel, original sound added back on, to YouTube Shorts. 

The reason I recommend posting your short-form video content as YouTube Shorts is because you can use them to redirect your viewers to your long-form YouTube videos. Remember, your goal with repurposing your content is lead generation and to keep people engaged with what you’re putting out.

Eager To Learn More? Join Revolutionary Society For Even More Marketing Insights And Strategies

Are you eager to learn more simple, actionable marketing strategies that you can employ across all your marketing channels for your business? You should join the Revolutionary Society, a quarterly membership community where you can join other entrepreneurs who have access to a marketing veteran hosting insightful, monthly masterclasses and workshops and providing professional resources to use to manage the marketing in your business. 

You should also sign up for my free 3-day workshop, Lead Overflow, in which I’ll teach you effective marketing techniques and help you build your confidence and find your marketing style as an entrepreneur.