Your lack of brand strategy is costing you thousands

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

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Or should I say, your LACK of branding strategy is costing you thousands in income every month?

You know I believe in tough love, so just hear me out.

When it comes to your brand, you have to be honest with yourself. If you are:

  • Taking on too many clients because you’re striving to hit your income goals
  • Too afraid to increase your prices because you don’t think people will pay for them
  • Offer all the services under the sun (even when you hate doing some of them)
  • Having all your income tied to you actively doing work

Then you are probably making these 4 mistakes:

1. Not charging your worth

What’s the point in being your own boss if you’re cheating yourself? You can’t pay for multiple tools and apps to run your business like a CEO, but pay yourself like an assistant. Being self employed is not relying on an employer to determine the value of your work, so don’t be shy, be generous and pay yourself what you deserve!

2. You don’t know how to articulate your value

You ever think how amazing your service is, and your clients love what you do, but you can’t seem to justify charging more for it? Discover what makes your service unique and find your individuality. If you personally struggle finding the value in your own services, so will your clients.

3. You niched, but you haven’t NICHED niched

Let’s call a spade a spade. You’re the jack of all trades, you want to give your clients 12 package options, and you add on all the things you learned from college and on that job you had for 2 years. But if you’re not an
EXPERT or don’t enjoy it, why do it? When running your own business you’re a lot more transparent than you think you are, the same energy you have towards your work will be reflected back on to your clients.

4. You are only exchanging your time for money

As a creative or DFY entrepreneur, most of your income typically comes from you actively doing the creative task (e.g. taking photos, writing copy, managing social media, designing websites). You have yet to figure out the art of partnerships, outsourcing, or hiring.

Here is what those 4 things are costing you: MONEY!

There has never been a better time to rebrand your business and yourself as an authority in order to increase your prices and take on fewer clients. This is why I’m so excited to be opening up applications to my signature group coaching program, Empowered CEO Mastermind, in just a few days.

Applications are publicly opening for the Empowered CEO Mastermind on August 27th. I’m so excited to finally launch a group coaching program! Which of these mistakes resonated with you the most?

Want to Learn How to Create a High-Ticket Brand Strategy?

I created the Overlooked to Overbooked Starter Guide as a resource to help you create a high-ticket brand strategy for your service business. This guide is for creative & DFY service-based entrepreneurs who are beyond ready to build a brand that easily attracts high-ticket clients

I know you probably want to hit those famous 5-10K months. Or maybe just to book your services out for the next 3-months.

You know this could be a reality, because you’re seeing so many people in your industry doing all of the above. You just need to know the secret sauce and you’ll kill it in your industry…

…and that secret sauce is a cohesive branding strategy and a consistent digital brand presence where you will be a stand-out CEO who is a unique authority in her field AND demands top dollar for her unmatched signature services.

Branding are all the things you do to shape the perception of your brand in the eyes of your dream clients.
