Why It’s a Good Thing to Price Yourself Out of Your Old Client’s Budgets

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

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In 2019 I accepted logo clients for $150 and website clients for $450. It was also the year that I was doing all the things. I was a logo designer, graphics designer, website designer, social media manager, and social media ads manager.

It was effortless to get clients at those price points, and my referrals came in consistently. I never had to market my business. This felt like a win for an early-stage business owner, right?

BUT I was also stuck making less than $2,000 a month even though I was always booked. I was also spending HOURS working on client designs outside of the 9-5 I already had.

I increased my prices because they honestly were too low, so started increasing my prices. However, my loyal clients told me they still expected the same prices. It was hard to say no because they were repeat customers. I was already undervaluing my services with my extremely low prices. You can’t serve your clients to the best of your ability if you are overworked from taking on too many people to make ends meet.

I had to accept the fact that there would be clients I could no longer serve because I had priced myself out of their range.

You’ll learn it is ok to lose clients at your old prices to make room for new clients. Prioritize charging what I needed for stability and for the value of your offer. And remember you only have so much time in a day.

WATCH the replay to learn how to overcome the fear of increasing prices and disappointing old clients.

If you want to learn how to attract high-ticket clients for your service or coaching business, then take my free masterclass, How to Create a Profitable Business Selling High-Ticket Services and Coaching Programs.

How to Grow a Profitable Business Selling High-Ticket Services and Coaching Programs