Master These 3 Pillars of Storytelling to Grow Your Business | The Scoop Vol. 2

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

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Last week I told you that the book Building a StoryBrand was something I was reading, and I finished it over the weekend! I tend to read books that align with my current business coaching beliefs and practices and storytelling is something I talk about a lot.

This book blew me away for 2 reasons: 

  1. There is another person who is obsessed with storytelling, but from the perspective of cinema and script writing (the award winning movies and movies we all love have the same storytelling framework!)
  2. All along I’ve been telling people to tell stories ESPECIALLY TO CREATE VIDEO CONTENT, and so many successful businesses are leveraging storytelling to sell everything under the sun. I’ll be sharing my unique perspective on storytelling for 3 parts of your business shortly.

Warning: Your best, smartest content can easily fall flat if the audience doesn’t connect with it.

On the flip side, people connect to stories faster than they connect with abstract ideas that you share.

The key though for marketing content, is to make sure the story you’re telling is about them.

Now there are 3 pillars of your business that you need to be a good storyteller for:

  1. The Business Brand
  2. The Personal Brand
  3. The Offer Brand

Don’t worry, in the 411 section, I’m going to tell you what to do for each. 

Before I dive into what to do for each one I want to tell you the focus for each category first.

  1. The Business Brand- The focus is the story of the business and how it’s positioned in the market place. The goal here is to build brand awareness and establish the key topics this business covers. More on this below. 
  2. The Personal Brand- The focus is the expert (you or you + your team). This is about who is behind the brand, how they became an expert, and who are they as a person. More on this below and the benefits of having a good story for this. 
  3. The Offer Brand- The focus is on the individual offer and the problem is solves for ideal clients. This would include people this offer has helped and why it exists. More on when to leverage the offer brand below. 


Let’s dive right into these 3 pillars of business that need a story.

1️⃣ The Business Brand

The Goal? To build brand awareness and to create a connection between your brand and the people the brand was created to serve. 

To successfully tell the story of the business brand, you need to determine:

  • Your brand voice and tone
  • The purpose of the business (mission)
  • The specialties of the business
  • Who the business serves

How the story would work in action: I once bought a Larq waterbottle for over $100 because they help people in places without proper drinking water get clean, drinkable water. I loved the story of the brand and it aligned with my own values to both have something bougie and branded and do good in the world. 

The benefits? When you establish a business brand, that business becomes known in the industry for the specialty. That business brand starts to hold weight (example: something immediately comes to mind when I say names like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Chick-fil-a, Target). One day the business brand can be sold for value, because of the brand that has been built. It all starts with the story for the people the brand serves. 


2️⃣ The Personal Brand

The Goal? To build brand authority and to create a connection between you and the people you are qualified and passionate to serve. 

To successfully tell the story of the personal brand, you need to determine:

  • Your origin story (how you became an expert)
  • Your own brand voice
  • Your personal relatability factor

How the story would work in action: Issa Rae started the web series Awkward Black Girl to chronicle her life as an awkward person. That very real and very authentic show landeed Issa a multi-million dollar deal with HBO. As a black woman, I resonate with her as a person so now I watch any show or movie she’s in, because I can relate to so much of the stories.

The benefits? When you build a personal brand, you have the freedom to change the direction of the business and still be a respected expert. The people you see speaking on stages, shown on tv, and interviewing on podcasts have all built a personal brand that makes them a target for respect and curiosity. People also buy from people online, so the more human the person behind the service or coaching program, the more quickly anything they sell will sell out.


3️⃣ The Offer Brand

The Goal? To build trust around a specific offer and to create a connection between that offer and the goal that the ideal people for that offer has. 

To successfully tell the story of the offer brand during a launch, you need to determine:

  • The storyline of a subset of the people the offer is for
  • The pain points they’re experiencing
  • The problem they have that the offer solves
  • How the framework or foundation of that offer is the solution to solve that problem

The benefits? I have an amazing Jeep example that I want you to hear here (it’s 8-minutes long and worth understanding the value of storytelling during a launch).

I’ll be sharing on Instagram tomorrow how to start creating the personal brand story.

Pre P.S.– I have a 2-hour workshop that teaches you how to create these 3 story types. Check it out here

Below you’ll find some of my best content I’ve put out lately between blogs, Youtube, and Instagram.


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Need to know exactly how to create marketing content that converts?

If your marketing content has been flopping more that converting, then it really may be something you said (or didn’t) in your marketing content. Book a Content Clarity Scan where I’ll review, assess, and analyze your content to provide an in-depth analysis of what you should post going forward to make more sales and generate more leads.

Need to learn storytelling for your personal, business, and offer brands?

The High Ticket Storyteller is the workshop that will help you to craft your story, connect with aligned leads, and convert paying clients through storytelling. Get instant access to the workshop here