Why I Switched to a Premium Business Model

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Switching to a premium business model really transformed my business over the last year. Not only did it help me achieve my first financial goal of hitting 5k months, but it also helped me attract higher-quality clients.

In today’s episode, I’m sharing my journey on how I got my business to where it is today. I share my mission and why it’s so important to me to help female entrepreneurs generate high income, build a sustainable long-term business, and create generational wealth.

If you’re a solopreneur, coach, or service provider, this episode is for you. Tune in as I share how transitioning into a premium business model can allow you to focus more on your mission, while making it easier to hit your income goals with stability and predictability.


Here’s a closer look at the episode:

  • Why your lower rates might be hurting your business

  • Higher rates attract higher-quality clients

  • Niching down your offers for easier sales

  • Landing premium clients and finding confidence

  • Why the right content will attract the right people

  • My mission to help female entrepreneurs succeed

  • Finding stability and predictability in premium offers

  • Why premium services focuses on quality not quantity


“I don’t want to help people get by, I want to change lives. And because I want to change lives, I knew I couldn’t keep offering those lower ticket offers. So I started slowly moving into a high ticket model.”

