The Organic Marketing Strategy That Made $6K in 5 Days

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

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I think as a high ticket service provider or coach you believe the only way to make good money is selling your time (i.e. services) at the high ticket price point. But that isn’t true.

Last month I had a 5-day sale as a way to relaunch my digital shop and I was able to make around $6K in those 5 days from offers that averaged $99.

And no, I didn’t do any paid ads. This was all organic and I only posted content on Instagram and via email.

To be exact I:

  • Sent 9 emails
  • Posted 3 reels
  • Posted 3 carousels
  • Pinned 3 posts
  • Went live twice
  • Posted 1 feed post

Watch the behind-the-scenes breakdown of the simple marketing strategy

If you want a detailed behind-the-scenes breakdown and case study of the content I shared, then watch this video where I break down not just the strategy but the intent behind each post/email:

Timestamped Overview:

[00:01:00] Sell digital products, replay or record fresh.

[00:04:58] Pre-launching important emails and social media strategy.

[00:07:52] Instagram is key for business visibility and sales.

[00:11:06] Automate messages to track leads and ensure attention.

[00:18:47] Stories, carousel, planner – showcasing social proof.

[00:23:29] Social proof in email led to purchases.

[00:29:34] Use Manychat or ask for keywords to track leads without an email list.

[00:30:21] Diversify your call to action for sales.

[00:36:00] Q: Can unestablished brands relaunch on social media?

[00:39:04] Free five day challenge led to $70k profit.

[00:41:20] Create content for both stories and feed.

Though I broke my strategy down in this video, the members of the membership get access to all the emails and links to all social media posts to analyze and replicate for their own business.

You can learn more about the membership and join here

Don’t let digital offers collect dust

First off, many of you high ticket service providers and coaches also likely have digital products sitting on your shelves, so to speak, that you aren’t currently selling or marketing. You know the ones…

That workshop you once hosted live.

That 3-day challenge.

That mini course you only launched once.

That amazing masterclass.

As I planned to relaunch my shop (since I only launched it once and never promoted a damn thing again), I realized the potential of reselling workshops or other digital offerings that were previously conducted live.

While I personally prefer recording fresh copies to provide a better viewing experience, I do know people who are successful at selling replays of their workshops. It’s just not something I enjoy watching as a consumer so I don’t do them as a business practice.

In my digital shop, I have a product called the Booked and Banked bundle (they are a bundle of my Instagram courses) that I launched once back in 2021.

I had an amazing launch that pulled in around $15K-$20 in revenue, and then never really launched the damn bundle again…that is until May 2022.

In May last year, I struggled to launch my group program about launching, because quite frankly, nobody is launching in the summer.

However, I essentially relaunched the Booked & Banked Bundle, but this time I sold it as an Accelerator where you got the courses and access to me for 10-weeks to plan out your Instagram content. That one micro launch made me $20K!

Recap of what I shared in the BTS video

The first email I sent out had the subject line “the CMO dashboard is officially live.” I admit, it wasn’t the most captivating subject line, but it piqued interest because I had previously introduced the CMO Dashboard as a brand name. Thanks to a pre-launch effort, my email’s open rate was high.

To generate more buzz, I posted a carousel after premiering with one reel and one email the day before. Using Manychat, I was able to track leads and send messages automatically. Impressive results showed that 72% of those who received my DM message via Instagram clicked through. Talk about success!

To ensure my audience paid attention to the call to action, I used direct messaging (DM). I found that DMs are an effective way to make sure my message pops up in the recipient’s inbox and they receive a reminder to check it. My first email, announcing the sale, generated a whopping $1300 out of the $6000 in sales.

Mind-blowing, right?

Speaking of email, I recently switched from ActiveCampaign to Klaviyo for my email system. It works seamlessly with my Shopify store, allowing customers to access extended payment plans through Shoppay. I prefer not to handle payment plans myself, instead relying on Shopify for that.

Social media played just as big a role as email marketing

Now, let’s talk about my social media presence. I shared stories about my sale, mainly focusing on the reel, and posted a carousel to showcase social proof from my clients who have been using things I was selling like the 12 Week Year planner for Notion.

I focused most of my energy on carousels and reels for higher visibility via social media which I believe made a huge difference.

I also talked primarily about one of the featured products at a time in the social posts rather than talking about the 5-day sales in general.

For example, I would post a carousel featuring the planner and then I encouraged followers to leave a comment for the planner specifically to get the link to the planner through direct message.

This strategy helps me generate leads and initiate conversations instead of solely relying on a link in my bio which isn’t something I can track back to specific offers.

Will a short strategy or sales event work for high ticket offers too?

You should watch the replay, because I talk about a free 5-day challenge I hosted when my brand was unknown and I was selling a $6K offer. During my 5-day challenge, I introduced the idea of joining a Mastermind via email. This challenge has been a game-changer, generating a staggering $70,000 as many participants joined my premium offers over the course of a year. The success of the free challenge in attracting customers to my paid offers has been truly inspiring.

Remember, it’s crucial to have a variety of ways to generate leads and have sales conversations. No one ever filled out an application just from me saying “click the link in my bio.” Initiating conversations through comments and DMs has been more effective for me.

For years I used to ask people to DM specific words before using Manychat. It’s all about capturing attention and initiating meaningful interactions.

Instagram plays a vital role in my business. It’s often the first thing potential customers see, and it helps increase my visibility and attract new clients. I typically track purchases through Instagram handles, allowing me to connect with my audience and understand their needs better.

In conclusion, nurturing my email list and informing them about upcoming sales and new offerings, alongside pre-launch efforts, has been key to my launch success. Leveraging Manychat or asking for keywords instead of directing people to a link in my bio has generated impressive results and allowed me to connect with potential customers directly.