The Difference Between Brand Marketing and Product Marketing

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Fotis Georgiadis from Authority Magazine interviewed me about the 5 Things You Should Do to Upgrade and Re-Energize Your Brand Image. One of the questions he asked, is one that most business owners still don’t know the answer to. He asked, how I would “define the difference between brand marketing (branding) and product marketing (advertising)?

The Most Common Misconception About Branding

The lack of understanding isn’t the business owner’s fault. We’re always trying to be the jack of all trades to stay afloat in the beginning, but honestly, we just don’t know everything. The misconception about branding is that it’s the things that make your brand look nice. That idea is partially correct, part of your brand identity is the beautiful parts that we see. But your company’s brand consists of even more than that. Your brand’s voice, your reputation, your mission, your values. Even down to how your company makes people feel.

So What’s the Difference Between Brand Marketing (Branding) and Product Marketing (Advertising)

Brand marketing is developing an emotional connection between your company/brand with your audience and then product marketing is selling the features of that product once they are emotionally invested so they’ll buy.

For example, every year I cry at those Publix commercials. You know the ones, where the newly widowed neighbor is about to celebrate his first Christmas alone. His wife was always the one who cooked the big dinner for the family. Sadly, this time it was all on him. His neighbors all rally and one by one stop at Publix to pick up one thing to contribute to the Christmas meal…a turkey, a holiday ham from the deli, stuffing, a pie from the bakery, etc. They show up on Christmas one by one to drop it all off just as he’s burning the turkey. Grateful, he invites them all to stay and eat. You cry I cry, we all cry. Then, in the end, they say, “Publix, where shopping is a pleasure.”

I don’t care if they only sell dog food and I don’t have a dog. I’m going there in the morning to buy the dog food just to feel that love. That’s brand marketing.

The fact that they showed us that you can buy an entire Christmas meal in Publix without actually having to cook a thing. That’s product marketing

Read the Full Authority Magazine Article

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