How to Build a Relationship with Ideal Clients on Autopilot on Instagram

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

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Finding the ideal client who is:

  • Aligned with your beliefs
  • Qualified to start working with you
  • AND ready to pay a high-ticket or premium price for your offers is no easy task.

But what if I told you that I could be.

What if I told you that you could be building the know, like, and trust factor with your online audience on autopilot?

That your ideal client could be converted from a potential client to paying client in your sleep?

It’s true!

All of this can be accomplished using one seriously underrated and underused feature on Instagram:

Instagram Highlights.

When you think about it, highlights are just a curated collection of stories that stay on your profile permanently.

They are always there, ready for when a new visitor arrives on your page looking to learn more about you and your business.

And my heart breaks when I see that someone isn’t maximizing the highlights feature!


Because as online business owners, we spend so much energy showing up on stories consistently and working to boost our IG visibility on stories.

So when I see that a hardworking online entrepreneur hasn’t done the extra step of saving their best content to their highlights it’s genuinely TRAGIC.

Your amazing post was only up there for 24 hours!

It was only given the chance to reach 24 hours’ worth of viewers!

When you start maximizing the highlights feature, not only are you giving your brilliant story content a longer shelf life – but you’re also turning your Instagram into a mini-website for your business.

And just like a perfect website has necessary components…so does your Instagram highlights section.

When all these components are clearly featured in your highlights your ideal clients will have no trouble getting to know, like, and trust you right from their first visit to your Instagram.

So without further ado – let’s dive into the five highlights you need to include on your Instagram profile in order to build relationships with your ideal clients on autopilot.


1. Products Or Services

Start thinking of your highlights as the perfect place to take your ideal client on a mini journey through your high-ticket marketing strategy. [LINK TO HIGH-TICKET MARKETING STRATEGY BLOG]

This means that for every offer you have – you need to have a dedicated highlight that answers all the FAQs about what you’re selling.

  • What is the paint point they have?
  • What is your solution?
  • Who is this for?
  • How do people sign up?
  • How much does it cost?
  • When does it start?

You are always welcome to create content that is specifically answering these questions to add to your highlight. I do it all the time!

But remember that as you go along posting on your stories, you should be saving story content to your highlights that answer these questions.

Maybe you’re doing an “Ask me anything” and you get the chance to speak about one of your offers – include it in your highlights!

Remember that you are showing up on your stories all the time giving high-quality content that relates to your offers, so get in the habit of extending its shelf life by saving it to the relevant highlight.


2. Signature Offer Framework

If you’re at the point in your business where you’re selling high-ticket offers, then you definitely have a step-by-step process.

A system that you use to make sure that your clients see the results they’re paying for.

One of the best ways to show an ideal client they can trust you (and only you!) to help them achieve their desired transformation is by sharing your signature framework with them.

Where’s a great place to feature that?

You guessed it!

On your Instagram stories.

When your ideal clients get the chance to go on a mini journey through your framework via your highlights, it’s easy for them to see how your method could work for them

And most importantly they can trust you.

I know I say this a lot…but you need to have perspective about the investment you are asking your ideal client to make.

High-ticket and premium prices are no joke.

I am not saying this to scare you. But I am reminding you that building this trust factor is an *essential* step in converting followers into paying clients.

Because when a client trusts you, it’s easy for them to pay the price for your premium offers.

Give them access to what they can expect from your signature framework on your Instagram highlights.

By giving them a behind-the-scenes look at how you get your clients results, you will nurture them and build the trust they need to buy from you.



3. Social Proof

Social proof is a FUN highlight to work on!

It’s all about sharing your client love, client wins and your own business wins as well.

Showing your audience that your clients are loving what you offer and are getting amazing results from working with you.

And that you’re staying booked and banked.

Sometimes this can be as casual as reposting a shoutout that a client gave you on their story, or a screenshot showing that you just signed with a new client.

Casual is great.

But you also want to collect formal client testimonials for your social proof highlight.

This could be written or video format, but just know that now is the time to start creating a folder of client testimonials to share on your stories (and then add to your highlights!)

I don’t know about you…but I practically never buy something if I haven’t heard a friend, or an influencer say:

“I swear by this product/service, I would absolutely recommend it!”

It’s going to be the same with your high-ticket offers.

If your ideal client has had their interest piqued by one of your offers and has started to dive deeper into your signature framework, they’re probably almost ready to buy. And they’re gonna LOVE to see that you have a community of people acting as social proof that this offer is worth the investment.

Social proof might feel like your bragging, or just sharing “client love” posts all the time.

But it’s time to re-frame the way you think about this marketing tool.

Having a social proof highlight on your profile is a powerful way to show that your offer gets results. It helps your client know that when they’re ready to buy, you’re ready to help them achieve an amazing transformation.


4. Accolades

This is one of those highlights that a LOT of online entrepreneurs forget about.

And it kills me because it is such a fantastic way to build brand authority online!

An accolades highlight is a dedicated place to post that people have invited you to share your expertise with their communities.

Whether that’s at speaking engagements, live streams, podcast interviews,  it shows that someone wanted to speak to an expert… and that expert was YOU.

  • Maybe you’ve been a guest coach – post about that!
  • Maybe you’ve spoken at your alma mater – share it!
  • Maybe you just did your first podcast interview – tell the world!

Posting that other people have requested your expertise shows that you know your shit.

Your ideal clients will see that other industry pros trust your expertise in their programs and at their events…and it will be one more reason to trust you with their learning journey.


5. Personal Or Behind The Scene

I know I said the social proof highlight was pretty fun….but I think the personal or behind-the-scenes highlight might be the most fun.

And it’s surprisingly important considering the content within this highlight will NOT be business-related.

Remember that people want to connect with you as a person.

They want to feel like they know the person that they are about to fork over this massive amount of money to.

Making a big investment in your business is a big decision.

And your ideal client will be much more inclined to choose you and your offer if they have a sense of who you are as a human being.

So give them a behind-the-scenes look at your life!

Maybe you can post about your family, your holiday, your friends – whatever you feel comfortable sharing that shows your ideal clients:

“Look I’m just another human being with a life – that wants to make a human connection with you.”

When it comes to sharing personal stuff online, always remember to have boundaries.

Because yes – clients love to see a few personal touches – but don’t give them access to everything!

Keep it professional on there, sis.

AND help yourself maintain the separation between the personal and professional time you spend online, by only sharing what you feel comfortable sharing.

I’m going to assume that if you’ve made it to the end of this blog post it’s because you’re working on building relationships with your ideal clients on Instagram.

And lucky for you…you are absolutely in the right place.

Even better?

You can currently grab my Booked & Banked Instagram Course Bundle on sale!

Check it out to learn how to leverage all the available Instagram video features to connect with ideal clients for your high-ticket offers.

And you don’t need a massive following to make it happen, either. You just need to be ready to work hard and commit to your Instagram transformation.

Sounds like something you might be interested in?

Check out the Booked & Banked Instagram Course Bundle here.