Your Content Backup Plan: Emergency Marketing Content Strategies for When Life Happens

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

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As a busy service provider who wears many hats and titles (e.g. Mom, Rich Auntie, wife, caretaker, dog Mom, author, speaker, entrepreneur), you know that life doesn’t always go as planned. 



Whether you’re juggling multiple clients or balancing business and family, unexpected events can easily derail your marketing efforts. The truth is, when random shit comes up, you don’t want to lose your marketing momentum. 

You know what I mean by marketing momentum–all that hard work you put into doing things like being consistent, gaining visibility and growing your following, increasing your engagement, getting people on your email list, hyping up your upcoming launch, promising to host your event on a certain date… 

Losing that momentum can mean missing out on leads, sales, and ultimately, growth. That’s why having a backup strategy for marketing is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity.

I share 6 emergency marketing strategies to help you when life is at its peak of life-ing in episode 4 of my private podcast Adapt and Amplify Your Content.

Yes, all the strategies give you strategies for each marketing style (creative/visual, audio/video, writing) so there’s something for everyone.

Adapt & Amplify Your Content



But if you want the rundown before you listen, let’s talk about emergency marketing strategies.

Why You Need an Emergency Marketing Strategy

Life is full of surprises. Kids get sick, unexpected meetings pop up, or sometimes, you just don’t have the energy to create new content. My Mom got in a car accident back in January that disrupted my business for like 2 weeks (she’s fine, I love her I promise, but she was in the way 😅). 

But the world doesn’t stop turning, and your need for more sales and more leads doesn’t stop either. If you pause your marketing efforts, you risk losing the engagement and trust you’ve worked so hard to build. Or worse, impacting your launch or sales.

This is especially critical for service providers like those I coach and provide content strategies for, who rely heavily on their content to attract and convert high-quality leads.

Having an emergency marketing strategy ensures that you stay visible and connected with your audience, even when life decides to start playing games. 

It’s about being prepared and adaptable, so your business can continue to thrive regardless of the circumstances.

Introducing Emergency Marketing Strategies

As I told you, in the 4th episode of my private podcast, “Adapt and Amplify Your Content,” I shared some creative and simple emergency marketing strategies designed to keep your marketing engine running smoothly. 

Here are the core strategies, along with the strategic thinking behind them, to help you understand how they can support your business:

1. Too Booked to Make New Content

The marketing curse of the service provider who actually does the service is that when you’re not booked, you have all the time in the world to market.

But baby, when you are booked and busy you ghost the hell out of your marketing content. See you in a month Instagram. DMs bleeding out and going cold. Email list won’t hear from you again until your next launch. 

Why this hurts you: Whatever great marketing momentum helped you boost the sales, dwindles every week you disappear. 

Strategy: Repost top-performing content. 

Why It Works: Your best-performing content resonated with your audience for a reason. 

By reposting these hits, you save time while maintaining engagement and visibility. Plus, new followers get a chance to see what they missed.

Pssssttttt…use this around holidays where you need a longer break, during your vacation, and in the summer. Thank me later.

2. Kids Are Suddenly Home from School

When we were kids, we did NOT have all these damn breaks from school. In the county I live in within Georgia my kid has a Spring Break, Fall Break, Winter Break, Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break. 

What the entire fuck is winter and fall break? 

Winter break came in February despite spring break happening the 1st week in April. And Fall break happened in October despite Thanksgiving break happening in November.



This is on top of the random child sickness plagues that enter our homes and send our kids home from school throughout the year. 

Because of this, you need content you can post on the fly.

Strategy: Create quick, easy-to-consume content. 

Why It Works: Designing infographics or recording informal videos can be done quickly and with minimal stress. This type of content is easily digestible for your audience and keeps your brand present in their minds, even amidst your household chaos.

3. Not Feeling Creative

Quite frankly, not everyone is creative, and that’s ok. Sometimes you just don’t have it in you to be a master Youtube video creator, come up with a cool hook, or record a new podcast episode.

But one thing about business is the show must go on. 

Strategy: Repurpose existing content. 

Why It Works: When creativity is low, turn to your archives and find different ways to talk about them again. Convert high-performing blog posts into infographics, or use old scripts for new videos. This method ensures you’re still delivering value without the pressure to be innovative on the spot.

4. Low Energy After a Launch

You plan the launch of your life and you kill it. Program booked out. Services booked through to next quarter. You did your job and you should be celebrating.

But instead, you’re trying to muster up some energy to get back to your regularly scheduled content programming. You will NOT have the energy for all that.

Here’s the thing though, you already know you won’t have the energy for all that BEFORE the launch…

Strategy: Schedule posts in advance. 

Why It Works: Use your scheduling tools and automations to create and queue content when you have energy. Pre-record short videos or audio snippets. This keeps your presence consistent and frees you up to recover after a big push.

The trick to this is to have easy access to B-roll footage, clips of existing content, and even post launch content ready to go to get people on your waitlist and FOMO’d all the way out because they slept on your offer.

5. Need a Quick Sale

There is nothing worse than coming off a failed launch for your signature money making program or multi 4-figure service. Well other than losing a retainer client suddenly or just having a slow sales month of course.

There just will be times where you need a quick sale to boost that income or pay the unexpected bills. 

Strategy: Promote a special offer. 

Why It Works: A well-timed special offer can drive immediate engagement and sales. Use graphics, videos, and persuasive emails to highlight the benefits of your product or service, creating a sense of urgency and value.

I pull these off often whether it’s an anniversary sale or a pop up program/service, or inspired paid workshop, people love to buy them and the cash always gives! 

6. Boost Visibility Post-Break

Ok, so you took your break to enjoy life, recover from the latest plague your child brought home, to mourn, to travel, hell to just breathe…Now what?

Well one thing you definitely want to do is get back out there so we know you’re back without making some annoying announcement that you know you were gone but you’re back. Please stop doing that. Just show back up.

Strategy: Share visually appealing content. 

Why It Works: After a period of low activity, quick and engaging content like quotes, thought leadership statements, or relevant memes can rapidly boost your visibility. Short, relevant video clips can also re-engage your audience and stimulate interaction.

The point is whatever platform you market on, ease back in with things that will entertain, spark conversation, or encourage sharing. 

Stay Ahead and Relevant with a Marketing Backup Plan

The key to maintaining marketing momentum lies in preparation. And for most of us, that preparation will be saving this blog post, listening to that podcast episode, and keeping these strategies in your back pocket for when you need them. 

By having these emergency strategies in place, you ensure that your business remains visible and continues to attract and convert leads, no matter what life throws your way.

Subscribe to Listen to the Emergency Content Ideas That Work on Every Platform Episode

For a deeper dive into these strategies and to learn the exact steps to implement them, listen to episode 4 (“Emergency Content Ideas That Work on Every Platform”) of my private podcast, “Adapt and Amplify Your Content.” 



The episode will equip you with actionable insights and stay ahead in your marketing game.