Where Do Your Leads and Clients Come From | The Scoop Vol. 46

Hi! I'm your marketing content strategist, Latesha.

Seamless marketing and flexibility in business starts here— Delivering marketing clarity, relatable Mompreneur and life banter, and real-world content strategies straight to your inbox every Sunday.

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Do you know where your leads and clients are coming from every month in your business?

Hopefully, your answer is, “yes!”

Now the real question is:

What is your biggest challenge to getting more leads and clients from those places? 

I asked these 2 questions in the membership last Tuesday and many of members shared where they were getting most of their clients isn’t:

  1. Where they spend their time marketing or doing work (many people prioritize all the wrong things when what works is right in front of them)
  2. Working like it needs to (sometimes you are showing up, but it’s not working like it should based on your efforts)
Here are some of the places my members discovered/confirmed they are getting clients from 👇🏾

And here are some of the reasons they felt it wasn’t working despite knowing where their money comes from online 👇🏾

The flexible marketing and get things done sections of the newsletter will talk about how to prioritize marketing:

  • where the money resides
  • in a way you can maintain based on your energy and capacity
But first…

Personal Reflection

Today’s personal reflection is an exciting one for me that goes along with what I talked about at the start of the newsletter.
I went through my own data and reflected on where my leads and clients come from and noticed a major shift that I think we often overlook when marketing.
In November last year, we had a guest expert come to the membership to talk about SEO and I did everything she said to do like:
  • keyword research (I hadn’t updated mine since I niched further)
  • having focus keywords on each page
  • updated my titles and things on my web pages
And then I sprinkled in something I covered months before that on blogging and added blog posts related to the keywords and now guess what?
Search is now top 3 for where my leads are coming from (my money and leads come from search (google & Youtube), Instagram, email (Klaviyo & Dubsado), and threads)!
I also have posted significantly less to Instagram and when I say she is still that gworl (I knew you didn’t have to do the most to keep making money there).
Proof before I share the strategies I gave to the members to help them with their content strategies for May 👇🏾

Flexible Marketing

So now that I’ve shown you where my members and I find our leads and clients, I wanted to share some struggles they have actually getting those leads and clients.
For example, one of the ladies in the membership said her money comes from Instagram, but not enough. 
How do you fix that problem?
Among her initial thoughts were:
  1. I’m not showing up enough – not being consistent enough
  2. Need to show up more LIVE and on stories
  3. Need to sell more directly
The solution to “my content isn’t working” is not to show up more.
That’s how you end up pissed that you’re making a lot of effort with little return on your investment.
The solution to content not working in a platform that is still your #1 or 2 driver of revenue needs to be to find what actually works.
  • What types/formats of posts?
  • What were you talking about in those posts?
  • How did you show up or speak in those posts?
  • Are you actually selling?
  • Which of those posts sent people to your website/scheduler?
  • Which posts caused the private messages/DMs, comments, saves?
I looked at mine and it turned out that people went to my website from:
  • Google and Youtube searches
  • Me sending emails
  • Instagram and threads content
What made them buy and get on my email lists were content where:
  • I actually talked about my services and what it did for people
  • Walked through my service or membership experience
  • Showed my teaching style for the membership
  • Talked about how I did things in my own business
  • Shared my raw thoughts on different ways to do things
  • Talked about their experience through my lense as the expert watching it all happen to them
Your homework:
  1. Figure out where (i.e. platforms, networks, and channels) leads (i.e. lead magnet, website visitors, calls booked, DMs about working together) and clients/customers (i.e. payments) are coming from
  2. What are some of the topics, angles, and things you covered and how did you show up that got you the leads or clients/customers?
Instead of doing MORE, only do what works and you can do less.
In the get things done section I’ll share my process on doing the above and what I create for my clients and now myself to make content planning worth my time and effort.

Content Wins

I wanted to look at my top 3 marketing platforms and see what kind of content made me the most money (meaning I know people buy from that page or post).
You know what they all had in common no matter where I was marketing?
I was selling.
Whether it was an Instagram post, an email, or a page they visited on my website, the message was buy this thing.
You ever think that you’re not selling because what you’re saying is buried behind marketing, teaching, and sharing content to tell everyone what they’re doing wrong?
My top performing emails of all time were almost all sales emails dedicated to selling an offer.
Yes, occasionally my newsletter would bring customers, but usually the emails were flat out sales emails to smaller groups of my list or to upsell my lead magnet attendees (e.g. Lead Overflow) to the paid offer.
Take a look 👇🏾
My best Instagram posts were the ones where I shared my offer or how my service worked.
This post alone sold my $3K service and my $1.5K service even though I was told by my coach it was too long.
One of the ladies did end up signing up for the lead magnet and liked hearing me teach so that solidified the sale, but the DM sales conversation started converting after I posted that video and she inquired more about my process 💅🏽
This simple reel was just me showing my CMO dashboard, but look at how many people commented the keyword 👀

Get Things Done


To shift your marketing where:
  • It’s not taking too much time
  • Is a process you can repeat
  • Actually generates leads, opportunities and sales
You just need to know:
  • Where to show up
  • Who you’re showing up for that usually buys AND gets results
  • What to say to them when you show up
  • How to plan content easier and faster every time you need to
  • When you want to show up
I not only do this for others in my Content Clarity Scan service, but I just did this for myself.
Check out this 4-minute video where I show you everything I did to shift my own marketing and gather everything I needed to know to get it done.
When I tell you I literally was almost in tears from the relief of assessing what’s working at this stage in business, having a go to content planning process that fits my energy and life now (not the version of me who started this business), and knowing exactly what I need to cover every single time.
Oh and my most recent Content Clarity Scan client had the most amazing words to share of her experience 🥹
Cheers to your success 🥂,
It’s possible to have both flexibility and sustainability in how, when, and where you market leading to more opportunities, leads, and sales even as life and business ebbs and flows.
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Upcoming events:
✍️ Register for the free 3-day workshop, Lead Overflow. Sign up.
Work with me:
💰 Book a Content Clarity Scan (a content strategy service). Learn more.
💰 Join Revolutionary Society (a marketing management membership). Learn more.