Whether you need defined, elevated messaging to match the CEO you've become or stage of business you've grown to, we'll come up with the right words to represent your brand.

Better communicate the value of your offers & your brand as a thought leader with the world

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Discover exactly how Your brand should speak online to book better clients and opportunities

I know you've been in a business for a long time, marketing and selling just fine for years. But can we both agree that some of the clients you worked with early on are NOT the types of clients you want to work with now? 

You've worked with some of the best people who have gotten results, so it's no wonder why you're shocked when a few duds make it through your screening process.

You're at the stage where you not only want the most aligned clients to waltz through your virtual doors and say, "send me the invoice!" but you also want to see way more of those emails from publications looking to feature you and event hosts hoping to pay you to come speak. 

If this is exactly what you're looking to have happen, then let's update that messaging!

Here's where we'll focus With Messaging

The 4 pillars of brand voice alignment:

These four areas ensure your brand's message is clear, impactful, and consistently delivered across all platforms, attracting your ideal clients and driving meaningful engagement and sales.


"The Foundation"

"The Action"




"The Voice"

"The Strategy"

Refine Your Words, Capture Your Market

In the Messaging Refinement Experience, I work closely with you to refine the words you use when you share what you do and how you do it, ensuring it accurately represents your evolved status as an industry leader.

We'll develop compelling storylines, select the best words to use to embody how you want to be perceived by the public, and better articulate the value of your offers, transforming your words into a magnet for high-quality clients and prestigious opportunities.

book a discovery call

Is this for you?

You've grown as an expert and brand but your words feel very early stage.

You're so comfortable and confident in your expertise that you started seeking bigger and better opportunities through corporate contracts, speaking engagements, media, and even writing a book. But you know your brand doesn't sound like the Powerhouse you've become.

You feel your current messaging doesn't fully encapsulate the depth of your expertise or the essence of your evolving brand.

You're not consistently resonating with or attracting the high-caliber clients and opportunities you know you're meant to serve.

Your content is good, but it's not consistently converting or sparking the level of engagement and action you expect.

You recognize the power of precise, powerful messaging and are ready to refine your narrative to reflect your true market position and value.

You have strategic goals and a vision for your brand, but there's a disconnect in how your content communicates and supports these objectives.

Is this really for you?

You've grown as an expert and brand but your words feel very early stage.

You feel your current messaging doesn't fully encapsulate the depth of your expertise or the essence of your evolving brand.

You're not consistently resonating with or attracting the high-caliber clients and opportunities you know you're meant to serve.

Your content is good, but it's not consistently converting or sparking the level of engagement and action you expect.

You recognize the power of precise, powerful messaging and are ready to refine your narrative to reflect your true market position and value.

You have strategic goals and a vision for your brand, but there's a disconnect in how your content communicates and supports these objectives.

You're so comfortable and confident in your expertise that you started seeking bigger and better opportunities through corporate contracts, speaking engagements, media, and even writing a book. But you know your brand doesn't sound like the Powerhouse you've become.

I enjoy collaborative strategy, and as I evolve and elevated, I haven't touched my messaging in years. I loved seeing the progression in myself even answering the questions. It validated that not only do I know my shit...but I know my people. My messaging is going to do all of the heavy lifting!


"I was able to really develop an established brand. I thought branding was just cute photos, but I was able to develop an authentic voice and really show up in a way that resonated directly with my clients...By working with her in April until December I was able to it 6 figures in my business."

-Dr. micaela

The prework created a bunch of aha's...It's so nice to be able to see what you're thinking articulated clearly in a way that connects and feels authentically right for you and your brand...I can already see what I can take from it; where I can apply it."


I have so much clarity. I'm so happy you are such an expert at your craft. The way we've been looking at personas have been all wrong...The messaging---It's GIVING honey! Word for word it is so good! It's so good to actually have someone who knows your brand voice...all of that is super helpful. It's like, "You say that better than I would!"


"I have definitely more clarity. I forced me to really stop, process, and think through what am I doing, who am I doing it for, and how are we all going to mesh together. It required me to think much deeper than I thought I would think, or knew to think. It has helped me process this whole transition [pivoting her niche] for sure."


the Messaging refinement Experience is perfect for the CEO who has grown & evolved since she's started her business, but her words really haven't Caught up.

This service is designed to elevate your brand messaging and provide you with the words to connect your brand with the right audience and attract more aligned opportunities.

Walk away with a Messaging Source Magazine for your business with all the words you need to update your profiles and website copy, attract new clients and opportunities, and better articulate the value of your offers when talking to leads and potential collaboration partners.

book a discovery call

what's in the source magazine?



messaging refinement experience

Together we'll craft your new, aligned brand messaging and you'll walk away with everything you need to start using it in your content & copy today, including:

  • Elevated Brand Messaging: A refined and compelling narrative that accurately represents your evolved expertise and brand identity.
  • Buyer Persona Development: Detailed profiles of your ideal clients, ensuring your messaging resonates and engages effectively.
  • Tailored Messaging Strategy: A strategic plan outlining how to communicate your brand's value across various platforms.
  • Offer Messaging: Clear and persuasive messaging for each of your signature offers, designed to attract and convert high-value clients.
  • Messaging Source Magazine: A comprehensive guide containing all your key messaging elements to ensure consistency and clarity in all your business and brand communications.
  • Brand Voice Integration: Insights and recommendations for integrating your refined messaging and business objectives into your everyday language.

book a discovery call

Extended payment plans available as well through ShopPay with Affirm and Paypal with Paypal Credit upon approval.

Turnaround time- 3 weeks

what's included in the messaging source magazine?

You really should just ask me what's NOT included in the Messaging Source Magazine.

The Messaging Source Magazine is literally your business's source of truth for your entire brand's messaging including:

  • Mission, vision + core values
  • Unique selling proposition, brand positioning + competitive advantage
  • Brand voice + brand personality
  • Offer messaging + buyer's journey
  • Target audience + buyer personas
  • Messaging architecture + word bank
  • Keywords, key phrases + key messages
  • Content pillars + messaging strategy
  • ChatGPT prompts for your content
  • Brand pitch + brand story
  • Social profile messaging

Meet Kenika Williams 

A professional organizer and a business coach to professional organizers.

“I thought branding was really cute photos, but Latesha made me realize it’s creating an authentic brand voice that resonates with your ideal clients.”

What she had to say :

“I haven’t seen someone put that much attention to detail on the deliverables so far like Latesha ... it’s just an amazing experience, super dope!”

What she had to say :

How Kenika made $15,000 using the launch content strategy from my VIP experience


1. 3 coaching clients for a total of $15k
2. One client booked her right after watching her live video which she was so nervous to do but thankfully followed the Booked Out CEO plan.
3. She saved time because she was able to just show up and deliver the content to have a successful launch.

1. Struggled with launching as she was busy with her other business.
2. Burned out towards the end of every launch and still feel like she “barely made it”
3. Never had the time to create content or launch.


Meet kenika 

Meet chauvon 

Meet topsie vandenbosch

Meet topsie

How topsie got 17 clients in her group coaching accelerator

Mindset and emotional intelligence coaching consultant 

“I thought branding was really cute photos, but Latesha made me realize it’s creating an authentic brand voice that resonates with your ideal clients.”

What she had to say :

“My biggest win from my launch was being able to attract dream clients into my program. I was able to draw in incredible business owners who understood my messaging and aligned with what I wanted to teach them.  ”

Meet kenika 

Meet chauvon 

Meet topsie vandenbosch

Meet chauvon

Virtual CFO, accountant & tax strategist 

“She literally gets inside of the brain in a way that not only resonates with the ideal person that wants to work with you,  but who'd I'd like to work with as well." 

What she had to say :

how chauvon booked out her roster

Meet kenika 

Meet chauvon 

Meet topsie vandenbosch

Don't just take my word for it. My clients have walked away feeling confident coming into their launch, knowing that they have the right words and story to attract the most aligned, qualified leads. (Click the buttons below to check out the next client case study)

Success Stories from previous VIP Day Clients

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Thank you for your interest in working with me. Please use the calendar below to book a discovery call. 

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