"I was honestly on the verge of, like, "I'm going to quit my business..."

Content can also be one of the most frustrating, time-sucking activities, ESPECIALLY if you aren't booking clients, gaining high quality leads, or getting new opportunities to grow your reach and brand through collaborations and speaking opportunities.

For my client Courtney, a custom automations and systems expert, it made her want to quit her business. That is until she received her custom content strategy and processes that brought the fun back to content creation...and sales!

Courtney, a busy Mom is no stranger to systems and processes which is why when I met her she had an intricate content planning process. 

Unfortunately, this content process took her hours to complete every single week, in fact when asked how much of her time went to content planning and creation she said 80%!

No wonder she was ready to quit her business, especially when all of those hours of content felt like a waste of time, because it wasn't converting into sales or business opportunities...until we worked together (keep reading for results).

Courtney McKay, a custom automation & systems expert

Client Background Story

"I needed more sales.

I...had a bunch of leads from people who were interested, and we were talking about potential projects, but then they would just kind of drop off.

My content's only purpose was just to stay top of mind, and it felt like a waste of time because it was basically just reminding people that I exist."

get a custom content strategy

The Content Clarity Scan Process recap

Here's how the Content Clarity Scan works:

Content Scan

Content Sprint

I audited her existing content across her website, LinkedIn, and Instagram account for revenue opportunities, lead gaps, and best content to magnify.

We met to discuss what I found and to talk through a more aligned content strategy and planning process for her business.

I provided her a renewed content strategy and plan specifically created to generate better leads & more sales.

Content strategy

I supported her for 2 weeks while she started implementing the content strategy and created her first pieces of content. This gave her confidence she was doing it right.

Content support

The Scan Revealed Why sales were low & content felt like a waste of time

I conducted a complete audit of her buyer personas and SEO keywords to refine content strategy and enhance business's discoverability.

Key Findings:
  • Identified key traits and decision-making patterns of ideal buyers to tailor sales language and content to convert into more sales.
  • Performed keyword research to align content with what people who fit her buyer's profile are searching for and need to hear in content in order to buy
  • Found content conversion gaps like lack of sales language or prompts and lack of content progression to help people make the buying decision

"The audit was really, really helpful. I love that you tailored it to my personality and just kind of the things that I was looking for...because you could tell just from everything that I wasn't really looking for a laundry list."  

Courtney shared she had some bad experiences with coaches providing degrading, negative feedback with little tact in the past, so she was apprehensive about the audit portion of the Content Clarity Scan. 

To make her comfortable, I offered to hop on a quick intro call, something I don't normally have included in the service, but felt it would be a good way for me to understand how she would best receive the important information from my audit. Client satisfaction is EXTREMELY important to me.

then what?

then we meet for a 90-min. content strategy sprint

The content sprint session gave Courtney and I an opportunity to discuss what I found in the audit and to strategize her content strategy. 

Here's what we discussed during the content sprint session: 

  • Her preferred marketing platforms, Youtube, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Her marketing content schedule
  • Her sales goals
  • Her best buyers and the services she's prioritizing selling to them
  • Her action items from the content audit, including updating the words on her website, and updating both her LinkedIn and Youtube profiles 

This is all I needed to create her content strategy and overall content plan.

The content strategy I developed was diverse and began with crafting a custom SEO strategy to enhance her online visibility organically. I also designed a comprehensive content strategy and plan that included:

then what?

Next I Created Her Custom Content Strategy & Plan

book your content clarity scan

content Plan

Her content strategy maps out exactly how she's going to hit her goal of generating more sales from her content.

Her content strategy included:
  • 3 profiles of the type of clients she is targeting in her content
  • keywords that needs to be used in her copy (words) and content to get visibility from Google/Youtube searches and benefits of targeted visibility via social media
  • the content platforms and their purpose of the platforms
  • best performing content formats and their topics for each marketing platform
  • key messages that need to be carried throughout her marketing content to align with business mission/values

content strategy

Her content plan gives directions on how to execute the content strategy and get the actual goal results. 

Her content plan included:
  • 2 content calendars- one for standard marketing content (equipped with A & B weeks to diversify the Instagram content & repurpose it around 1 central Youtube video) and when she launches 4x a year with content prompts, call to action, content categories, and angles 
  • content processes to plan her Youtube sales funnel and Instagram content using everything provided in her content strategy and planning document
  • 3 Youtube sales funnels with 4 videos each already planned for her (yes, that's 12 Youtube videos already planned and all she has to do is outline & record it)
  • keywords to use in her content and copy to be found more easily via Google/Youtube search
  • content ideas of content she could create to attract her goal buyers

  • Provided real-time feedback on initial content drafts and YouTube funnel plans to ensure strategy comprehension and independence in execution.
  • Revamped the content plan format for ease of use and added a launch calendar to facilitate content adaptation during future promotions.
  • Assisted in optimizing her website, including sales pages, layout, SEO, and design enhancements.
  • Collaborated on refining her signature offers to better appeal to her target audience, enhancing sales potential and clarity of deliverables.

What we accomplished during her support window

"Absolutely amazing. It exceeded my expectations in every way."

"I was hoping coming into it to get a plan and to feel confident and to have, like, a sustainable plan for my business and creating content going forward...being able to ask you questions through...voice notes...it's been really helpful to be able to go back and forth with you over the voice notes and stuff."

After I provided the Content Strategy & Plan, Courtney had 2 weeks of Voxer support where she could voice note me questions and ask for clarification on the spot. 

I find it's best for clients to interact with me in real time as things come up for them while reviewing the final content plan. During this time she also received feedback as she implemented the strategy.

Early results after her content clarity scan

Receiving an invitation to be paid to speak at a tech company event

Booked 2 client projects & she's still launching

Getting feedback that someone found her website from a Google search

Since implementing the strategic changes advised during our Content Clarity Scan, Courtney has reported significant early successes  (within 3 weeks):

Securing two(2) sales calls early in her prelaunch

Is She Still getting Results after 90-days?

"I've been SO BUSY since I started my content strategy! I'm booked out, I'm having lots of fun, and my marketing processes are getting better and better!

I feel like I can finally detach myself from the performance of my content because I'm repurposing across so many platforms I don't care if one platform doesn't do great, because it usually performs great on another platform.

And have the SEO working for me long-term gives me such peace of mind that I don't have to be doing the content grind forever.

Oh and I'm still so obsessed with my new website! I literally get giddy every time I look at it and I'm not longer embarrassed to share it with prospects haha."